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About Us

About Us

Congratulations on taking a step on the path of wellness.  At Bhakti Wellness we strive for a natural approach to a balanced, healthy and happy life.  We do so through creating awareness of mind, body and spirit through yoga, meditation and natural alternatives to healthcare with the purest essential oils available.  Whether your path is to lose weight, increase flexibility and/or muscle tone or to gain more insight into your own soul and spirit we can design a program that is just right for YOU!  One-on-one offers you the attention you deserve.  Enjoy a private session (our specialty) or inquire about a special event (bridal party yoga, birthdays, wellness events/classes).  We also teach athletes (soccer, golf, running) as well as corporate classes.  We welcome beginners and have a 6-session program just for you that will leave you comfortable and ready to step into other class environments!

MJ has been the official instructor for the makers of 5-hour ENERGY for over five years! 

She also teaches at Schoolcraft Community College and Sports Club of Novi.

Please follow us on and Pinterest, too!  All sessions are by appointment and customized for each individual.  

Serving Novi, Northville, Farmington Hills, Plymouth, South Lyon and surrounding areas.

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Julie and Sue Ellen

Your Teacher ~ Vajrayogini

 Private Yoga Rates

 One (1) hour private session: $60

Novi Studio

Travel & corporate rates vary; please inquire

Purchase 6 receive 10% off

Purchase 8 receive 15% off

AromaTouch Technique $45

MJ LaDuke

I bow to you on the path.  My practice is devotional (Bhakti) and heart centered. I love sharing the love and light that can be found on the path.  My training is western based, YogaFit, but I find balance

and energy in the chakra system and with use of the purest essential oils, we can achieve different levels of emotional, spiritual and physical homeostasis.  There is no judgment in yoga and we embrace all divinities.  Thank you for stopping by and hope to see you in studio!

Namaste ~ MJ

Chakra Balancing

A chakra is a spinning vortex of energy.  We are all made of energy and often our energy centers get out of balance as we interact with others and move through life. We offer Chakra Meditation ($60/one hour) and Chakra Balancing ($75/one hour includes crystal and guide to take home) with crystals and essential oils to dive into our own self and learn techniques to bring us closer to our individual state of purity, divinity and happiness.  Please message us for more information or to make an appointment today!



Contact Us

Bhakti Wellness
Private  Yoga
There are no group classes other than events.

43121 Ashbury Dr., Novi, MI 48375

Tel: 586-929-0806

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