Fall Yoga Day
It's that time of year to restore and renew before the busy holiday season! Join the Yoga Assoc. of Greater Detroit for their annual Fall Yoga Day in Birmingham, MI. I'll be leading a session at 9:30am so register now to save your spot! My session will be all about the energy body so if you feel a little off lately, there's a good chance you will leave this session feeling much better! Hope to see you there! More info. here!

New Year Yoga: Register Nov. 15
In less than ten days you can start your resolution of a new path, wellness and health! Join me Mondays at 5:30pm at Schoolcraft College for a Flowing Yoga class (CES 9733 Section 918927)) and get to know yourself a little better. Some of the many benefits of yoga include building muscle tone, increasing flexibility and range of motion, improved sleep, stress reduction, creating better habits for yourself and increasing mindfulness just to name a few! Here's a look at the catalog and registration begins on November 15. Don't forget, a private session is a good way to start your new path or even a package of four or six will get you more comfortable with basic asanas/poses, will teach you alignment/safety and different breath techniques to use on and off the mat. Message me when the time is right for you and build a future of wellness and peace! Learn a basic sun salutation and begin to synchronize breath and movement. Allow this gentle vinyasa stimulate the body and mind as we flow together with energy and intention. My wish for each yogi, novice or expert, is that they yoke with their own divinity, whatever that may be. This state is called samadhi and when paired with santosha, unconditional happiness, anything is possible!

Holiday Gift Guide: Natural Wellness
Find out more and order here ! If you would like to save on natural wellness all year long, ask me about a wholesale membership. Enjoy all of your shopping in one place just like me. I've been using doTERRA for skincare, haircare, supplements, healthcare and in my yoga practice/business for almost ten years. Replace your medicine cabinet contents and move away from big pharma/synthetics and move toward the gift of the earth, doTERRA. Harvested all over the world, providing economies for those who had none or little, rigorously tested resulting in pure therapeutic grade (CPTG) essential oils. Holiday available November 1, 2018.

Fall Yoga Day
Please join the YAGD (Yoga Association of Greater Detroit) for their 10th annual Fall Yoga Day this Sunday, October 21, 2018. The event will be held at The Community House in Birmingham and offer four classes. You can attend them all or choose the morning or afternoon sessions. You'll be sure to get your "Om" on and perhaps discover a new path of peace. Schedule consists of: Session One: 9.30-10-45: ‘Ground Control’ ~ Karen Lutz Find stability as we explore the energies found in moving dynamically and juxtapose this with the stillness in holding the same postures. This gentle class is accessible to all. (Please bring any props you enjoy using.) A popular past Fall Yogaday teacher, Karen has been teaching in the Birmingham/ Bloomfield area for the past 10 years. She is a 500-hour Registered Yoga Teacher. Session Two: 11-12.15: ‘Move Freely - Body, Mind, & Spirit’ ~ Lynn Medow In a healthy, happy, well-functioning body the fascial system is strong, fluid and flexible. Chronic fascial tension & restriction molds our posture unfavorably. In this class we will meet our points of resistance, releasing and expanding, resulting in freedom of movement in body, mind & spirit. YAGD member Lynn Medow, a 500-hour RYT, is the founder of the Yoga by Design Foundation. {Lunch break: 12.15-1.25: Bring your own or visit a nearby restaurant or coffee shop} Session Three: 1.30-2.45: ‘Putting the Mind to Rest’ ~ Richard Smith Without proper rest both the mind and the body suffer. But how do you rest the mind? Using classic meditation practices Richard Smith will show how to find the rest and the peace a healthy mind needs. YAGD member Richard Smith has practiced meditation for more than 30 years — not least at longterm retreats in Asia, Europe and North America. He has been teaching meditation for the last decade. Session Four: 3-4.45: ‘The Goldilocks Principle in Yoga’ ~ Katherine Schaefer Not too much, not too little, just right! Balancing effort (Rajas) and yielding (Tamas) in our yoga practice is how we find harmony (Sattva) in body and mind. Learning how to sense when we are applying too much effort or collapsing takes practice. In this class we explore finding the 'just right' place. A Yoga and Massage Therapist, Katherine has been a YAGD member since 1996. ~ Savasana ~ Fall Yogaday favorite and YAGD member Katherine Schaefer will bring 2018 Fall Yogaday to a close with a period of Savasana as a seamless continuation of her class. Cost: $65 for complete day; $37 for morning or afternoon session. Check-in: 8.45-9.15 am. Bring your yoga mat and a blanket. Space is Limited. Early registration is advised. HOW TO REGISTER : On-line: www.communityhouse.com By phone: 248-644-5832 (M-F, 8.30 am-8.30 pm) In person: The Community House, 380 South Bates, Birmingham MI 48009 (M-F, 8.30am-8.30pm) Visa, Mastercard, American Express accepted. (Checks to ‘Birmingham Community House’) Parking is {free} on Sundays at meters and in the nearby Chester Street parking structure
Learn Effective Meditation Strategies
This Wednesday, June 13 at 7pm I will be hosting a free meditation session led by Anumeha Sathe from the Art of Living. Space is limited so please RSVP by June 12 to confirm space. Anumeha brings with her an extensive background in meditation including, but not limited to, the following: River Rejuvenation projects from river Yamuna in Delhi, made a team of 22 Volunteers to work for the same. Worked in villages for bringing more awareness on health and hygiene. Introduced the pulse diagnosis technique( Nadi Pariksha) in different companies. Worked in promoting the ayurvedic way of living using herbal organic products to different parts of the globe. brought the beautiful knowledge of meditation in more than 1000 lives. She will be sharing the techniques taught by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. He will be visiting Detroit on July 7 & 8 for a program called"Unveiling Infinity", a series of powerful meditation techniques. For more information on Shankar's visit or to register, please click here .

Lemon Oils (CPTG) vs. Lemon Juice
You've probably heard many uses for lemon juice like add it to your water, hot or cold. Many people have sensitivities to lemon juice because of the acidity which comes from the citric acid. Lemon oil does not, thus, it is much easier on the body. In the title I mention CPTG . This means Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade essential oil. We move beyond pharmaceutical grade, food grade and therapeutic grade. The purity and efficacy of CPTG essential oils from doTERRA include rigorous testing of EVERY batch of oil. You can be assured of the quality and the research that goes into this amazing oil. One lemon tree can produce between 500 and 600 pounds of lemons in a year. It takes about 50 lemons to fill up a 15ml bottle. (pictured to the left) Read more here . Lemon EO can be used a cleansing agent both on surfaces and internally. The high limonene content found in it makes it a powerful antioxidant and cleansing agent. Egyptians used lemon oil to rid their bodies of toxins in addition to other oils like frankincense, the king of oils. It also aids in digestion (used in cleanse protocol), supports healthy respiratory function, and provides immune system support, especially during seasonal changes. So, next time you go for a lemon, think twice about lemon EO and the added benefits you will receive. Try diffusing lemon EO as a single oil or with a blend. Order yours here on its own or in a variety of kits that will allow you to enjoy the lowest prices all year long!

Chakra Balancing Special Offer
Treat yourself (perhaps for Mother's Day) and bring your physical, emotional and spiritual bodies into balance with a complete Chakra Balancing! Experience doTERRA AromaTouch™ foot technique, dowsing (with pendulum) and oil application on spine....take home a crystal and guide to keep you in balance! Service takes approximately 45 minutes. At Novi studio only. Normally $75, but now $50 through month of May! Book your appointment NOW! Payment required in advance to hold date and time. No refunds, but a credit is available for other yoga service within 60 days of booking. Pay by April 30 and receive a FREE doTERRA Balance EO!

Spring Yoga at Schoolcraft College
Time to sign up for Spring/Summer 2018 yoga/fitness sessions at Schoolcraft College! Enjoy a great facility and a great price compared to some studios. Join me Monday night at 5:30pm for Flowing Yoga where we will incorporate the breath into movement creating a slow flowing vinyasa to lengthen and strengthen. Leave feeling refreshed and relaxed!
View catalog HERE (my yoga class description is on page 40) CES 9218, section 928953. Register here: MJ Monday Schoolcraft Class Hope to see you there! Namaste ~ MJ

Join Me for VegWeek!
It's time to make a change for you, the animals we share the world with and the beautiful earth we live on/in! Take the pledge for just ONE WEEK April 16-22, 2018. Together we can make a difference to be healthier, have a cleaner planet and treat the ones we share it with a little or a lot nicer!

Create Awareness for the #1 Killer!
Heart disease and stroke remain the #1 killer of women and odds are you know someone that has lost their life or their life has been altered from one of them. My best friend lives with a heart condition and my mother suffered a stroke recently so I continue to raise awareness and funding for research. Please join me either through a small (or large) donation or by walking with my team, Heart Heroes, on May 12 at Wayne State. More info here! Have a namaste day!